Contact Details
You can contact me with the form on this page. Contacts are automatically redirected to the correct email address - e.g., those related to research activities will be forwarded to my Univeristy's email address.

Fill in this form to contact me. Please indicate whether the contact is for work, research activities, or other, as this will help me sort messages more quickly and more effectively.
Fill in this form to contact me. Please indicate whether the contact is for work, research activities, or other, as this will help me sort messages more quickly and more effectively.
Do not worry: any emails sent with this form are automatically taken care of: just choose the right option under "Why are you contacting me?".
This helps me respond as quickly as possible, as you message is automatically routed to the correct inbox.
This helps me respond as quickly as possible, as you message is automatically routed to the correct inbox.
Sometimes, some emails might get lost among several other messages. If you have not received any response after some days, just send it again. Thank you!